• Avenue de la Révolution 2 eme Etage No 8
  • +257 22 249471
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ABN structure

The ABN elements are:

  • The General Assembly, GA.
  • The Coordinating Council, CC
  • The Coordination Office, CO.


Article 9: The GA is the supreme organ of the ABN. It is composed of adherent members in order with all its legal texts, as well as honorary members.

Article 10: Membership in the ABN is given to any person or legal entitywishing to contribute tonature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources in Burundi.

Article 11: Honorary members of the ABN are chosen from physical persons or legal entities with an interest in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and who contribute to its preservation through gifts, bequests or grants to the Association.

Article 12: The admission toABN membership is decided by the GA, upon written request of the person or entity to the CC. Once admitted, the adherent member must:

 -  pay adhesion and membership dues,

-   follow and respect the ABN Statutes, Articles of Association and Internal Regulations.

Article 13: The GA meets two times a year in ordinary sessions and in extraordinarysessions as necessary, or at the request of a third (third) of its members. Its work is directed by the President of the Association.

Article 14: During its ordinary session, the GA:

-  defines the general policy and the main directions of the ABN,

-  elects the President of the Association and other CC members as well as honorary members,

-  admits new members and decides cases of exclusion of members not in order with their obligations as laid down in legal texts of the Association,

-  adopts legal texts of the Association and those governing its functioning, such as the Internal Regulations and the Strategic Plan,

-  discusses and approves program activities and financial reports of the ABN,

-  approves the creation of specialized commissions responsible for particular functions of its program,

-  monitors implementation of action points, tasks and missions defined at the previous GA.

Article 15: In accordance with Article 14 above, the GA may adopt Internal Regulations, important procedures, and special mentions for decisions to be taken on important issues of the Association. These Regulations and procedures must not contain any provision contrary to the ABN statutes.

Article 16: The CC of the ABN is sovereign between two GA meetings. It is responsible for, inter alia:

-  oversee the coordination of the program of activities of the Association,

-  ensure the implementation of decisions taken by the GA,

-  provisionally accept new members of the Association and decide cases of exclusion,

-  guide and assist the CO in the execution of assigned tasks.

Article 17: The CC is established through elections by the GA for a term of 3 years. It meets once in a quarter in ordinary sessions and in extraordinary sessions whenever necessary as well as on President's initiative for urgent issues. It can only validly decide if the 5/9 (five ninths) of its members are present.

Article 18: The CC of the ABN is composed of 9 members:

-  the President of the Association: he/she is elected by GA and is the Legal Representative of the ABN. Its role is, among other things, to convene and chair meetings of the CC and the GA, as well as representing the Association vis-à-vis third parties and in court,

-  the Vice President: he/she assists the President in performing his/her duties and replaces him/her in his/her absence in all obligations involving the Association,

-  the Treasurer: he/she is elected by GA and has the role of financial management control of ABN and project funds,

-  The Founding Members of the Association,

-  The Secretary: this role is played ex-officio by the Executive Director (ED) of the ABN, who is managing on a daily basis the activity program of the Association.

-  others persons of the Association, elected by the GA from among its members in order with their obligations as laid down in legal texts of the ABN

Article 19: To be a member of the CC, you must be:

-  enjoying your civic rights and morally upright,

- possessing a membership card and be in order with the legal texts of the Association.


Article 20: The CO is the executing organ of the ABN program. The CO staff are recruited by the CC.

On April 8, 2000, the Association was approved by the Ministry of Interior by ministerial decree no. 530/231 as non-lucrative non-governmental organization, .. See more


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